4 Practices
1. Centeredness. Going within and connecting to that hidden wholeness with contemplation, meditation, prayer, etc.
2. Creativity. Thinking outside the box and finding meaningful, new ideas and ways of being through the arts, creative expression,
living creatively, etc.
3. Community. Sharing yourself with others and others sharing themselves with you in friendships, companionships, supportive
groups, etc.
4. Caring. Compassionately nurturing self and others through self-care and helping others.
3 Skills
1. Noticing. Attending and surrendering to how your body is experiencing the present moment, its thoughts, sensations, feelings, etc.
2. Nurturing. Welcoming compassion, affection, love and light into these sensations, feelings and thoughts.
3. Releasing. Letting go of the feelings, thoughts and sensations.
2 Intentions
1. To heal, grow and be transformed.
2. To look for life, love and light along the way.
1 Posture
1. Openness. Holding things lightly and being open to receive.
! Ritual and Ceremony
1. Ritual and Ceremony. When words aren't enough, honoring the transition with ritual and ceremony.