After a death, there are many legal details to handle. While it is not necessary to get a lawyer, it is strongly recommended. A lawyer will make sure all the details are handled. The time following a death of a loved one is extremely emotional, and even the closest family will have disagreements over the most trivial matters. To make sure there is still peace in the family, it is a good idea to let a lawyer to assist the family in sorting things out.
There are several important documents to gather prior to meeting with a lawyer.
The documents may include:
- Will
- Military Discharge Papers
- Social Security Cards
- Tax Documents
- Deeds
- Vehicle and Boat Titles
- Bank Statements
- Brokerage Accounts
- Stock Certificates
- Retirement Accounts
- Insurance Policies
- List of existing Debts and Bills
Administering the Estate | Bank Accounts | Executors | Liquidating the Tangible Assets of An Estate
Probate | Social Security | Veterans | Wills