Saturday, January 29, 2011
I wish to express my deepest condolences to all family and friends of Prof. Howard Kingsbury at this time. I am Interim Chair of the Graduate Program in Acoustics at Penn State, and we considered Prof. Kingsbury a good friend. Many, many times at alumni functions of the Acoustics Program and at other professional events have Penn State students from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s come up to me and talked glowingly about how they really appreciated Prof. Kingsbury's undergraduate architectural acoustics class. One or two remembered it was the best undergraduate class took, and some went on to professional careers and/or undertook graduate study in acoustics. Prof. Kingsbury's vast practical knowledge, from experience, was clearly transmitted to these students. Sadly, because of a previously scheduled faculty candidate in Acoustics visiting and giving a talk coincidentally at the same time as the visitation and memorial service, few of us may be able to attend on Feb. 2. But on behalf of the Acoustics Program's faculty, staff, and students I do want to extend our deepest sympathy.